Jenna Nye

Certified Practitioner since August 2020
Certified Trainer

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Jenna's professional approach is rooted in evidence-based methodologies, employing modalities supported by empirical research and clinical expertise to facilitate rapid transformation. Her expertise lies in modalities such as Havening, Hypnotherapy, NLP, Meditation, Somatic healing and Coaching, strategically tailored to address a range of psychological conditions, emotional complexities and often physical difficulties.

In her practice, she frequently engages with individuals navigating mental health concerns, fostering a deep understanding of anxiety-related struggles and the impact of dark thoughts on one's well-being, and how to resolve them. This understanding has guided her in curating specialised approaches to support individuals in managing these challenges effectively.

Her professional background originated in Forensic Science, Forensic Psychology, and Archaeology, providing her with a unique interdisciplinary perspective. Spiritually influenced by Eastern traditions and guided by extensive training, she has cultivated a comprehensive understanding of the human condition and unity of the brain, the body and the spiritual aspects of our nature. Jenna's commitment to her client's well-being is fortified by her continuous exploration of Ancient Wisdom, Neuroscience, Biology, and Physics. Guided by a profound dedication to facilitating healing journeys, her ultimate goal is to empower individuals in navigating their path toward a resilient and contented inner landscape with loving self-acceptance and a sense of meaningfulness in the world. 

Areas of specialization

Addictions, Alcohol abuse, Drug abuse, Food addiction, Gambling addiction, Internet addiction, Quit smoking, Sex addiction, Anger management, Anxiety, Fear of flying, Panic attacks, Phobias, Blushing, Bruxism (teeth grinding), Childbirth, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Depression, Eating disorders, Exam nerves, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Low self-confidence, Low self-esteem, Obsessions and compulsions, Pain management, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Public speaking, Relationship issues, Relaxation, Sexual issues, Insomnia, Sports performance, Stress, Stuttering, Tinnitus, Weight loss, Gastric band hypnotherapy, Adolescents, Grief, Interview Nerves, Unusual tendencies, medically diagnosed illnesses and disease, Self-Belief, Self-Development, Shyness, Belief Creation, Confidence, Empowerment, Weight, Bereavement


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Don't let anything stop you! Student training review

Havening Training in person with Jenna - Jentle

Don't wait, you must do it! - Havening Techniques student experience

When the body stores pain from injury (emotional or physical) can it be healed WITH the mind & body.
Jennas workshops
Havening Training with Jenna - Jentle - Student Testimonial

Training with Jenna - Student Testimonial - Jentle


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I was recommended by a friend to try Havening

I was recommended by a friend to try Havening and when I contacted Jenna to explain that there was no real issue but I could not seem to move on from a relationship she explained how it could help. I had tried hypnotherapy with someone else, which did not work so I was skeptical about how this could help me and was feeling tired when I first joined the zoom call. Immediately Jenna put me at ease and we worked through the different stages which she made very easy for me. At the end of our session I felt lighter, happier and so much more energised and looked at everything more positively. I would highly recommend Jenna and would also like to go back to work on things for the future.
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Just wanted to say I think you have changed my life!

Hi lovely!

I can’t believe how different I am as a person since our session.

My anxiety has reduced massively, I’ve not had a panic attack since.

I went to a family gathering at the weekend usually this would be a huge trigger, and I would stand around feeling so tense and awkward but I chatted to loads of people even the ones who normally intimidate me so I avoid.

Today I had a no show client and I was so assertive with her I actually got her to pay the money. Before I wouldn’t have been able to do that.

I feel so positive and alive.

I can’t thank you enough
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Yesterday I had my first session, I wasn’t sure what to expect.

I suffer with anxiety around new people & places.
Jen explains everything so well and her knowledge shines through straight away and she made me feel so at ease it was like chatting to an old friend.
Jen guided me through the movements of the touch patterns which are so simple but oh so effective.
I’ve been having CBT therapy for about 6 months, but I honestly feel I’ve achieved more in an hour with Jen then in my other treatment.
After my session I felt so energetic, and renewed. I had such a productive afternoon I just felt like all the negative noise in my head had been switched off! That constant negative what if voice in my head has been silenced.
I had the most restful nights sleep I’ve had in a long time and I’ve woken up today smiling and just feeling ready for the day! (I never feel like this)
I can’t wait to see what we can do in our next session.
Thank you so much Kay.
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Wow, just had my first Havening session with Jenna and wow, just wow!

I love that you can’t argue with the science behind it ( which is great because it was easy to convert my husband ( who is the world’s biggest cynic when it comes to these matters!!! The mental and physical effects that I felt just during that one session left me tingling from head to toe and really quite speechless. Havening is such a Gentle, calming process and Jenna delivers it with such professionalism and love that you can’t help but be moved by the whole process. It’s a refreshing process which makes you feel alive and rejuvenated! Will definitely be coming back for more! Im struggling to think of anyone who wouldn’t benefit from this!
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I really enjoyed my havening session with Jenna.

Having never heard of Havening before I was very intrigued but didn’t know what to expect.
Over 10 years ago a medical doctor gave me some bad advice. Havening helped me to release the emotion that I had attached to the advice I received on that day.
Going through the havening technique with Jenna was but fun and comforting. By the end of the session I felt relieved. Like a massive chip had fallen off my shoulder.
Thank you so much Jenna Nye
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There's only 1 thing I can say about Jenna & Havening and that is “Wow”.

I really didn't know what to expect. I've done many different therapies & treatments to help with my anxiety and whilst they have all done their bit in helping me get to the root cause the Havening really seemed to go deeper & seemed to help those deep seated memories become less troublesome & so much less of an issue.
Jenna was well presented & totally professional. Even over Zoom she came across as being very caring & totally non judgemental.
The techniques she showed me & talked me through were simple yet so effective, instantly calming my mind & leaving me with a sense of peace.
Afterward even when life's stresses started, where it would usually end with me panicking or losing my temper I stayed calm & totally unflustered. Not even the preparation for a camping trip could get to me.
A miracle? No....just an understanding of how the brain really works with trauma & how it affects our bodies & emotions. And an excellent therapist to guide me.
I think I was ready for this (what feels like at the moment) final stage in my healing. All done with compassion & a real sense of being understood.
Totally brilliant. I've told friends about it. Some have tried & feel the same as me.
Thank you Jenna.
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It was lovely to meet you last week. I am sending you an update

Hi Jenna

Well so far so good! I have been very pleased with the results of our session. My anxiety has been very much better. I have had a couple of times where my anxiety has been triggered but it has just been more a fluttery sensation that I was going to panic but I have been able to stay calm and control it.

The thing that was really worrying and upsetting me and adding to my extreme anxiety has been much better. I have had a couple of triggers but just didn’t return to that place or experience the panic or anxiety. I am sleeping better and still have a feeling of being lighter and more carefree. Friends have said that they think I sound different!

Thank you so much for your time and care Jenna. Although I had never heard of Havening until a couple of days before I saw you I can’t believe the difference it has made to my outlook, well being and my life in general.
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